Thursday, July 16, 2020


Design developments of prototype

1. I fly pressed a copper plate in a marquise shape and also made a marquise silver setting with 6 claws.

2. After piecing my marquise shape and now it looks like Zulu shield.

3. I just put my marquise copper plate on the setting and I added two plastic coffin nails shape to symbolise, wings so that I can see how does my piece gonna look like.

4. In fig3 as was busy playing, I realised that my piece look more simple then, I decided to add another two coffin nail shape. My aim was to make a flying beetle that has open wings but also show the actual body under, as you can see in fig4 below.

5. After arranging my jewellery as you can see in fig4, my aim was to make my wings move up and down, then I decided to drill holes and put silver wire. As was experimenting on how I was going to make these wings move, likely everything was moving according to how I planned. I'll be making my piece in silver before I make it in platinum. 

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